Online live Tutoring.
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Chose out of 30 subject categories.

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How this Works

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Best Tutors

Kids 6-12 years
Written English
Grammar, Tenses, Vocabulary
write fluent english.
Kids 4-5 years
Spoken English
See your child read, and
pronounce independently
Primary Level
Mental Maths
Whole numbers, real numbers
Fractions & Algebra
High School
PCM Science
Physics, Chemisty
Mathematics & Competition

Experience the expertise of our top notch tutors for your child's future with Eduglean.

We are a service provider for learning and can find best and professional tutor here.

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Best Tutors

After I joined Eduglean master class, I really enjoyed the classes here. This has given me new perspective on how to learn new things.

Chinmoy Roy
Student, June 2024

Chose out of 50 tutors worldwide.

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journey today with Us.

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